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Treetops Travel Agency is revolutionizing vacation rentals, transforming ordinary accommodations into extraordinary adventures. Combining elements of escape rooms, art museums, and boutique hotels, each Treetop pioneers a new era in experiential travel. Within each carefully chosen property across the nation, guests discover an expansive narrative brimming with hidden puzzles and surprises.


Eventually this will be a fly-through of our first three locations



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What is it?
Treetops locations transcend conventional lodging, beginning with themed, luxe vacation rentals. But upon finding a glowing chest in the kitchen, each stay slowly evolves into an unforgettable journey of intrigue that leads to a mesmerizing secret room. First-time guests will be pleasantly shocked to find that their already interesting stay comes with an extremely Instagrammable – and free – series of interactive art installations. Their completion of the site-specific puzzles expose the fact that this peculiar journey is just one of many…

With 15 unique Chapters related to an overarching saga (each in its own themed home), guests are enticed to explore every property to keep the narrative unfolding. Find a full story treatment below.


How does it work?
Each Treetops location presents a unique and interactive quandary revolving around the house's resident – a member of an eccentric family bestowed with the power to traverse time and dimensions. Unraveling these narratives will reveal hidden rooms in the house and bread crumbs about the family's larger story.

With 15 cities each hosting all 15 chapters, local guests or epic roadtrippers can unravel the whole mystery. The homes also cleverly double as standalone stories, still satisfying for those who don’t visit all 15. Bonus content is unlocked at every step, revealing hidden sections of the Treetops website for completionists, in classic ARG style.


Why now?
Treetops thrives in today’s experience-hungry market, pioneering an inventive blend of accommodation and adventure. Our team, with a strong history of innovation in the Immersive landscape, is uniquely positioned to bring this one-of-a-kind offering to a flourishing environment. See more information on the state of the Immersive industry and our position within it here.


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Within the lore of our “fictional” vacation rental service is Treetops Travel Agency. Behind its veil is an intriguing story of a tear in Spacetime that leaves our protagonist unstuck across the Universes with her entire extended family. A 13 year old girl named Carmen has created the fictional agency with her Grandpa, contacting customers for help after finding a way to communicate through various pieces of analog and digital technologies. After booking their trip via our website or a vacation rental marketplace, Carmen’s mission kicks off behind the scenes.

Upon finding a hidden, glowing chest in the kitchen with a key and video message from Carmen, guests can complete tasks for her to discover what happened to her relatives that disappeared from their home. With each completed puzzle, they begin to solve the mystery of that house, learning more about the powers of Carmen’s family and how they can repair Spacetime before all is lost. Each Chapter is a complete mini-story, playing into the epic overarching tale full of magic, fantasy and sci-fi charm.

Expand the BACKSTORY by clicking below.

  • Upon completing their first standalone mini-mystery, guests of Treetops unlock the whimsical backstory of this unique vacation agency.

    A magical secret room discovered within their rental home serves as the gateway. Guests are then invited to join the Agency’s hidden backend on their vacation planning website, receiving a private email invitation to sign up as exclusive users. Initially, they might have rented their vacation house through a simple Google search or an Instagram ad, attracted by the quirky, themed interior design. However, the full backstory only unfolds once they accept this invite and log in. Here, they gain access to previously unlisted sections and hidden features of the website, unveiling a larger narrative at play.

    At the core of Treetops’ immersive experience is Carmen, the story’s protagonist. By the time guests access these hidden forums, they have already met this vibrant teenager, who guided them through their first Treetop adventure. But Carmen needs further assistance. She entrusts users with her compiled findings from across the universes, revealing new pieces as they progress.

    Carmen and her entire family have become unstuck in time and space, stranded in a void. Carmen’s Grandpa left her coded instructions, uniquely accessible to her, aimed at restoring the family. She's learned to communicate with our world through limited means, "hacking" various technologies. Members of her father’s side of the family also possess unique abilities to manipulate time and space, leading to unforeseen consequences. Since Carmen can't be physically present, guests must interact with the environment to understand why her family vanished. As they unravel each mystery, they discover the individual abilities and discoveries of Carmen’s extended family.

    Each Treetop property offers a standalone, non-linear chapter in this unfolding mystery, detailing a different branch of Carmen's family tree – the previous residents of each home. Carmen has ingeniously crafted a travel agency beyond space and time, enticing visitors with curiosity, awe, and wonder. By completing various engaging games, guests not only enjoy the narrative but also gather clues about the larger enigma: What happened to Carmen's family, what are their abilities, and can these abilities help restore them?

    Completing all 15 chapters allows guests to fully understand the incident and why Carmen is the key to reuniting her family and saving everyone in every universe from becoming unstuck for eternity!

    [Spoiler – It is revealed that Carmen's mother's side of the family also had similar abilities, but they were repressed. When Carmen’s powers emerged, she inadvertently disrupted the Spacetime Continuum and became an anchor in it. This act scattered everyone with the unique Timespace Gene across infinity. Being the first Timespace Anchor with the Gene from both sides of her lineage, Carmen can uniquely manipulate Spacetime. This ability is crucial to prevent the universes from collapsing, and to reunite her family.]

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Treetops offer a universe of adventures that can be entered from any point. Each house is a unique starting place – its own distinct mystery with a beginning, middle, and end – that contributes to the larger enigma of Carmen's family. The beauty of each Treetop narrative lies in its flexibility. Each chapter can be tackled in any order; there's no right place to start.

Since each house provides a fulfilling standalone experience, the more properties guests visit, the more pieces of the larger puzzle they will gather. At the beginning of an ever-evolving, ever-expanding adventure is a hidden chest in the kitchen and a secret message. At the end is a dynamic and interactive art installation with secret access to an online databse.

Each stay’s conclusion is not an ending but a “to be continued” for the broader Treetops story. Scroll through the images below for a typical guest’s first-time journey, and click play on a secret message from Carmen:


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Treetops locations are set up to appease both local and traveling guests. There are 15 main chapters in Carmen’s story – each with its own beginning, middle and end – to be completed in any order. When combined with secret content on the website, guests who solve these 15 mysteries will complete the entire Treetops Travel Agency saga. One house for each chapter will exist in every city where Treetops opens, plus a few standalone, bonus chapters in some cities.

With all 15 chapters in 15 cities, guests can choose to complete all of them in one place, or travel around the nation to explore places we love. Every different locale will feature its own flair, and custom Treetops treasure hunt content to promote the unique things that city has to offer, while overall theme, story, and gameplay will remain consistent across all locations.

  • Logistics gurus know that Saint Louis, Missouri is a pivotal city within to the nation’s shipping infrastructure, from highways to railways to rivers. Unknown to many is how Missouri is also central to the nation’s cultural history within the landscape of Experiential Design.

    Perhaps regarded as the most important figure in the history of Immersive Design, Walt Disney is from Missouri. A huge inspiration for Meow Wolf, the historic City Museum is located in Saint Louis. One of the most impressive experiential retail venues in the world is located in Springfield, MO, where Bass Pro Shop’s crossover shopping + travel museum location has won multiple awards. Arguably one of the first experiential marketing “pop-ups” took place during the World’s Fair in 1904, when the electric light bulb was debuted to people for the first time in what today would be considered a massive art installation. The first Olympics outside of Europe also took place in Saint Louis, where the gold, silver, and bronze medal system was debuted.

    Moreover, vibrant Saint Louis is full of Treetops’ target demographic, consistently voted as one of the country’s best cities to raise a family, and jam-packed with some of the best free cultural programming in the US. Real estate costs also provide opportunity in the types of neighborhoods that would be prohibitively expensive in other cities.

    With its rare location geographically, economically, and culturally, Saint Louis has been identified as the perfect launch site for Treetops Travel Agency innovation.



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The Immersive market has enjoyed a remarkable post-pandemic renaissance as consumers yearn for novel experiences beyond material goods or passive entertainment. Businesses offering immersive environments, like Bass Pro Shop, Springfield, MO (“Best New Attraction, 2017”) and Otherworld, Columbus, OH (“Best New Attraction, 2019”), are flourishing, while escape rooms have become a ubiquitous form of entertainment in even smaller markets.

  • Gamification, a proven strategy for bolstering customer engagement and enhancing user experience, has fostered business growth across a variety of consumer-oriented industries. Incorporating immersive and interactive elements does more than captivate customers; it builds a robust emotional connection to the brand, encourages loyalty and repeat business, and fosters evangelism.

    Treetops Travel embraces this approach wholeheartedly, integrating narrative and puzzle-driven experiences into each of its unique vacation properties. This innovative framework not only adds an experiential layer that typical vacation rentals lack, but also transforms each stay into an extraordinary adventure.

    Every Treetop location offers a standalone experience that contributes to a larger, interconnected narrative, enticing guests to continue their exploration throughout Treetops’ diverse portfolio. Combining visually striking interior design, intriguing characters, and unexpected discoveries, each Treetops house creates an engaging cycle of discovery and satisfaction. It's akin to resisting the allure of a captivating book after just one chapter - nearly an impossible task.

    This compelling mix of ongoing mystery and unique spaces not only stimulates repeat visits, but it also fosters a loyal customer base eager to unlock each property's secret space and ultimately unravel the family's ultimate mystery.


Treetops Travel prioritizes cities that have embraced these iconic Experiential Venues, such as Saint Louis (City Museum), Santa Fe (Meow Wolf), Philadelphia (Wonderspaces), and meccas like Anaheim and Las Vegas. Cities are also selected based on their adoption of the vacation rental business model. This mostly untapped market is yearning for Treetops Travel’s innovative blend of interactive storytelling and lush accommodation.

Our Team with decades of genre-defining experience in shaping this field is uniquely positioned to serve a generation that increasingly prioritizes memorable experience alongside their purchases.

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